While old traditions hold a special appeal, that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop innovating. Try out one of these fun Thanksgiving traditions and give your festivities a refresh this year!
Mix Up Your Seating Chart
It’s only natural that at family get-togethers, people inevitably end up sitting next to the people they see the most. One of our favorite unique Thanksgiving traditions involves mixing up your seating chart. Not only should you separate spouses but try to pair your guests with people they might not see as often. That way, they’ll be sure to get some time to catch up with someone unexpected. Plus, it will give you an excuse to create some personalized place cards for the tables.
Create a Family Cookbook
Especially if your Thanksgiving dinner is served potluck style, try having everyone bring the recipe for whatever dish they made. Then, you can compile them together in a family cookbook. While people can bring the recipe for their Thanksgiving dish, they also have the option of bringing a different recipe: a birthday cake they always make that the family loves, everyone’s favorite Christmas cookie, a beloved appetizer that always disappears in minutes, or dishes the family grew up with. As far as non-traditional Thanksgiving traditions go, this one will have the whole family thanking you for years to come.
Make the Party BYOC (Bring Your Own Container)
No Thanksgiving meal is complete without doling out the leftovers. If you want to take some pressure off the host, have anyone who wants to take some leftovers home bring a few of their own containers. That way, they can easily dish out leftovers to everyone without losing all of their trusty containers or scrambling to find the right lid.
Switch Up Who Does the Dishes (& Make It Fun!)
While it might be hard to imagine that doing the dishes could be a fun Thanksgiving tradition, switching up who does the dishes every year can go a long way toward keeping things fair and fun. Try putting everyone’s name in a hat and drawing them at random or choose a group of people (nieces and nephews in a certain age group, for example) to take care of business this year. Just make sure that anyone who did the heavy lifting with the cooking is exempt. Then have everyone submit a song to the “Dish Party Playlist” and turn that time into a fun dance party. Are you hosting Thanksgiving this year? Visit a Star Furniture near you to upgrade your living room or dining room furniture, so you can take your hosting to the next level! In the meantime, check out our home inspiration blog where we discuss everything from how to choose a mattress and bed for your guest room to how to decorate your dining table when it’s not in use.