Ensuring productivity and efficiency when working remotely has been a topic of discussion with many people transitioning to working from a home office over the past few years. There are many benefits of working from home. However, adapting and being productive in this new working environment can only be easy if you have an ideal home office.
Effective home office design and decor means establishing an environment where you can be comfortable and productive. In addition, designing a dedicated home office helps you build a work-personal life balance, which highly helps in boosting productivity. Some of the benefits you might get to enjoy from setting up your home office include the following:
- Saving time and money since there is no commuting
- Having a more flexible schedule
- Enjoying the comfort of your own home
Here are seven ways to maximize productivity when designing a home office and its decor:
Choose a Dedicated Office Space
Whether you have a small or spacious home, creating a dedicated working area separate from the rest of your living area is crucial. Doing so can help to increase productivity and focus by shifting you into ‘work mode’ when you enter the designated home office space.
Ideally, your office should be in a quiet room that allows for plenty of privacy, especially when sharing the house with a spouse, roommate, or children, to avoid distractions. In a smaller space, this might mean sectioning off an area of the kitchen or living room as your work area. In this scenario, it might be best to invest in a pair of sound canceling earbuds for times when there are other people in the room with you.
Pro tip: In a larger home, consider choosing a room near the front entrance if you meet with clients in your home office.

Natural Light Design Enhances Workflow
Consider the factor of natural light when choosing a space for your home office. Natural light has been proven to increase productivity, according to a study by Cornell University. Beyond productivity, natural sunlight also has a positive effect on our mood and general outlook. Given the benefits of natural light, it’s best to avoid setting up your home office in a closet or other windowless room.
Now that you’ve let the sunlight into your space, it’s time to add lighting fixtures. The type of bulb you choose to use is a personal matter. We suggest cool, white light to improve focus and alertness. Cool white light can be particularly helpful when used in a table-top task lamp to improve the legibility of documents and paperwork.
Design Your Home Office Depending On Your Needs
The layout and functionality of your home office space will, of course, depend on your needs and the nature of your work. For example, a sound designer might opt to hang decorative acoustic sound panels. On the other hand, a consultant who meets with clients regularly will want to invest in quality seating, with extra attention given to the layout of furniture and office decor.
You’ll also want to take into account your own working style. Are you easily distracted? In that case, it might be best to forgo the addition of a TV to the space. Alternatively, you might prefer to have a comfortable sofa in your office, where you can easily prop your feet up and take a well-deserved break. A personalized approach to setting up your home office is your best bet for maximizing productivity and focus.
Keep Your Home Office Design Organized and Clean
It is easy to feel overwhelmed and distracted when surrounded by clutter. We suggest organizing and tidying up your home office at the end of each workday, for a fresh start each morning. Beyond just tidying up, take a day to go through your office storage spaces, if applicable. Clearing out your old work materials and making room for new additions is a great way to ramp up your motivation.
If you haven’t yet, invest in quality storage options that work for your space. In a smaller office area, take advantage of vertical space by installing shelving units and tall, cubical storage.
Acquire the Appropriate Technology and Office Supplies
Next, you’ll want to make sure that you have all of the tech and supplies necessary to complete your work with ease. You’ll want to minimize discomfort and stress that you might encounter during the day. For example, if you find that your neck is always in pain from looking down at your laptop screen, elevate your laptop with an adjustable laptop stand. If you find that you enjoy writing with a particular kind of pen, ensure that you are stocked up with extras for the future.
Connectivity is a huge part of creating your home office, so you’ll want to pay attention to the technology you decide to purchase. Will your mouse, keyboard, and headphones easily connect to your laptop? Will the batteries in your speakers last without having to be charged every hour? These are the kinds of questions to ask yourself in order to avoid any future frustration.
Consider the Importance of Ergonomics
It may not come as a surprise that prolonged periods of time spent sitting at a desk can lead to back and neck pain. While working from home, plenty of people tend to hunch over their keyboards, hardly getting up to take a break and walk around. Besides getting up to stretch every so often, you’ll want to invest in a quality office desk and chair that allow you to work comfortably throughout the day. When selecting a chair, take note of the following requirements that must be met for the chair to be considered ergonomic – or made for maximum comfort and efficiency:
- Lumbar support features
- Height adjustability
- Seat depth, width, and padding
- Armrests
Improve Your Home Office Air Quality
For the finishing touch, you’ll want to focus on the air quality in your home office. The more fresh air – the better. The most obvious way to go about this is to open a window or two. However, if this option is not feasible for you, try using a small desktop fan to keep the air in circulation. Alternatively, you might choose to purchase an air filtration unit that will keep the air clean all year-round.
The Ideal Home Office Furniture Destination in Texas
Are you looking to upgrade your home office? Star Furniture has a wide collection of quality home office furniture and other accessories that combine functionality, quality, and style. Contact us today for inquiries, and shop home office furniture on our website and in person.