When it comes to designing a living room that’s comfortable and inviting, your sofa matters. Along with acting as the focal point of most living rooms, the sofa is also the primary place where your loved ones will congregate to visit, relax, and hang out. While traditional sofas and loveseats are great, it’s hard to beat the style and comfort that a sectional sofa can bring to virtually any living room.
Sectional sofas are made up of 2-6 configurable pieces that can be assembled in a variety of ways. This allows them to be customized to meet your family’s specific aesthetic and functional needs. Not only can a sectional sofa be configured in a shape and size that perfectly complements the room it’s in, but it also offers ample space for your whole family to spread out.
Because sectional sofas are configurable, one size does not fit all. It’s essential to plan before you buy since you can’t shoehorn an oversized sectional sofa into a small space. If you’re looking for a stylish sectional sofa that brings out the best in your living room while withstanding the test of time, the trusted design team at Star Furniture can help. Here’s what you need to know about finding the right sectional sofa configuration for the layout of your living room.
Understand the Size of the Room
Perhaps the most important factor to keep in mind when looking for your ideal sectional sofa is size. The size of the furnishing should be proportionate to the size of your living room. While you don’t want the sectional sofa to get lost within the space, you also don’t want it to overpower it. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to measure your living room before you begin furniture shopping. Be sure to think about where you plan to position your sectional sofa and measure that area within the space as well to ensure that you end up with a piece that’s the appropriate size.
Consider Architectural Features
Every living room is different. Yours may have a fireplace, an array of windows, or other distinctive architectural features that will impact the size and/or placement of your sectional sofa. Just because your living room is a particular size doesn’t mean that any sectional sofa will fit in it. It’s important to consider where the windows, doorways, and other features are located within the space so that your sectional sofa won’t interfere with the overall flow of the room. Remember to leave plenty of walking space for your family and friends to move comfortably without bumping into things when planning where your sectional sofa will go.
Plan How to Use Your Sectional Sofa
What makes sectional sofas special is that they can be customized to make your living room more user-friendly. Of course, not everyone will use their sectional sofa the same way, which means that it’s necessary to think about how you’d like to use yours before purchasing the first one you love. Are you looking for a comfy piece that your big family can lounge on in the evenings? If so, you’ll want to look for one that’s spacious and includes deep, plush cushions. On the other hand, if you’re more interested in prioritizing style over comfort, a sectional sofa that’s small, chic, and tailored may be a better option for your living room. Bottom line? Your sectional sofa should be customized to meet your individual preferences.
Know Your Sectional Sofa Shapes
Because sectional sofas can be pieced together in a variety of ways, they can be configured into several different shapes. Different shaped sectional sofas can provide certain benefits both aesthetically and practically. These include:
- L-shape Sectional Sofas: This shape can easily be positioned in a corner or against the wall. They work well in defining “zones” in an open-concept floor plan, making them a great option for large or multifunctional rooms. They also provide plenty of legroom for large gatherings or folks with long legs.
- U-shape Sectional Sofas: This shape is best suited for large rooms in order to offer lots of seating with ample space for each person (Think: 72-78 inches between the two sides of the sofa). Because they have two sides that face each other, U-shape sectional sofas are great at promoting conversation.
- Modular Sectional Sofas: These are made up of separate pieces that can be put together to create a number of different shapes and styles (including an L-shape or U-shape). These sectional sofas are a great solution for small spaces since each piece can easily be brought into the room and then arranged to make a sectional sofa. They also give you the option to mix up the look of your sectional sofa to meet different needs, such as lying down to watch a movie one night or gathering around a coffee table to play cards the next.
Consult a Professional Designer
Envisioning how and where you’d like to place a sectional sofa in your living room is sometimes easier said than done. With so many different options available, it can be difficult to narrow down which one makes the most sense and will look the best within your home. The good news is that working with an experienced designer can make this process simple and fun. If you’d love to enhance the style, comfort, and function of your living room with a sectional sofa, don’t hesitate to touch base with one of the pros at Star Furniture before bringing one home. Together, we can help you navigate through the many sectional sofa options to make sure that you end up with the perfect one for your unique needs. Check out our social media sites or visit us online to view our large selection of quality living room furniture before stopping by our showroom!
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