So you bought a new bed. Congrats! If you’re like most Americans, you shopped at countless stores, took a sleep test or two, and weighed the benefits of investing in a new mattress before you found the right one. And, if you’re like most, it’s probably overdue. Sleep experts recommend that you replace your mattress every 6-8 years to maintain a healthy sleep routine.
Of course, the way you use and maintain your mattress can have a big impact on its lifespan. With the proper care, you can keep your new mattress looking, feeling, and smelling as good as new for years to come.
Before you turn off the lights, roll over, and say good night, the sleep experts at Star Furniture are here to share expert tips on prolonging lifespan, and just as importantly, the performance of your mattress. A well-maintained mattress is the secret to quality sleep which then translates into a quality life, 365 days a year, and year after year.
Read the Care Guide
Any mattress you buy will undoubtedly come with a recommended care guide. Think of this as the user’s manual for your bed. The care guide along with the manufacturer’s warranty are the ABC basics of keeping your mattress in tip-top shape for the long haul.
When in doubt about how to properly clean or maintain your mattress, be sure to review your care guide before trying to get the job done on your own. This will prevent you from making an avoidable blunder that could ultimately damage the integrity of your mattress unnecessarily.
Likewise, purchasing a new bed from a trusted resource like Star Furniture can also be beneficial after you bring it home. Your sleep consultant will be happy to point you in the right direction of proper care techniques as well. Or, you can refer to your mattress’ care guide for further instruction.
Invest in a Mattress Cover
If you only remember one thing when looking for a new mattress it should be this: mattress covers are a new mattress’ best friend. Mattress covers are used to protect your mattress from absorbing substances that could damage the way it looks, feels, and smells, such as food, animal messes, make-up, bodily fluids, and more.
Even better, mattress covers are easier to clean and less expensive to replace than a mattress. This means that if you spill something on the cover or ruin it altogether, you can simply remove it to wash or buy a new one.
Like most home decor pieces, you get what you pay for in terms of a quality mattress cover. With this in mind, it’s worth choosing a cover that’s made to last and includes user-friendly features, such as being water resistant or is made of a performance fabric that absorbs sweat for hot sleepers.
There are two types of mattress covers to choose from. Ones that are secured over your mattress like a fitted sheet and ones that are zipped up to encompass your entire mattress, preventing dust mites and bugs from sneaking in. A Star Furniture team member can help you choose the right mattress cover for your bed.
Dress Your Bed for Success
Getting the most out of your mattress has more to do than just with the mattress itself. The linens you use to dress your mattress also play an important role in helping you feel rested and refreshed day after day. Your sheets, comforter, and pillows likely have less to do with the actual performance of your mattress than enhancing your bed’s aesthetics, personal pleasure, the overall beauty of the room, and, of course, the feeling of comfort in the bed.
On that note, don’t underestimate the need for properly sized gussets on fitted sheets. These will ensure that your fitted sheet fits the contour of the mattress appropriately – not too snug, not too loose. No one wants to get tangled in ill-fitting sheets, after all.
Additionally, washing your sheets regularly is essential for keeping your bed fresh while also protecting your new mattress. Odors and moisture from soiled sheets can be absorbed by your mattress over time, which makes clean bedding essential. Home experts seem to agree that a good rule of thumb is to wash your bedding once a week.
Don’t Flip Your Mattress Over
If you think that your mattress should be flipped from one side to the other to extend the lifespan of your mattress, think again. While this was a technique that may have benefitted mattresses in the past, mattresses have come a long way in terms of their design.
Unless the manufacturer’s guide says otherwise, do not flip your mattress. This is because most modern mattresses are created to only be slept on one side.
In most cases, mattresses consist of a supportive material on the bottom, layers of comfortable materials like foam in the middle, and a sewn-in topper to provide the ideal sleeping experience. Today’s mattresses are not designed to be flipped, so don’t! You’ll jeopardize the life of your mattress and a good night’s sleep.
Create a Routine Rotation
While flipping your mattress is never a good idea, rotating it is a must. Even the most supportive mattresses will break down over time, especially if you sleep in the same position every night, which most people do. To make sure that one side of your mattress wears evenly, it’s best to rotate your mattress 180 degrees every six months or so.
Regardless of how often you choose to rotate your mattress, try to do it consistently. This way both sides receive the same amount of wear and tear. This is a simple step that can have a positive impact on the condition of your mattress for years to come.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Regular Mattress Cleaning
When it’s time to clean your mattress, it’s important to do so the right way. Be intentional about how you care for your mattress, as you would any other furniture investment. Luckily, both routine cleaning and spot cleaning your mattress are easier than you might think.
To prevent hair, dust, and other debris from building up on the surface of your mattress by vacuuming it regularly. Since this probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when cleaning your bedroom, a good opportunity to scratch this chore off your list is when you remove your sheets to wash them.
Even for those of us who are especially careful, spills and messes are bound to happen from time to time. If your mattress experiences a more serious spill, such as pet urine, fight the urge to break out your strongest cleaning supplies. The strongest cleaning agents available are not always best!
Along with damaging the appearance of your mattress, the chemicals in harsh cleaning products require a lot of water to remove thoroughly. Because mattresses are very absorbent, it would be virtually impossible to remove these products completely. Again, it’s best to consult your mattress care guide when in doubt.
Don’t Wait to Spot Clean
Time is of the essence when treating messes that find their way on your mattress. As soon as you notice a spill, don’t wait to treat it. Allowing liquids to set in will only make it more difficult to remove from your mattress later. Follow the recommended care guide to clean the spill as quickly as possible.
If you discover a stain that has already dried, don’t worry! It is possible to restore your mattress to its original freshness. Using a mixture of one part laundry detergent and two parts water, lightly cover the stain using a spray bottle. With a microfiber cloth, gently scrub the soiled area and blot it dry with a clean towel. If this isn’t enough to get the job done, hiring a professional cleaning service to treat the stain might be the best option.
What Not to Do to Your New Mattress
Everyone should be the boss of their own bed, which means you get to determine how you use it. While this is true, there are certain activities that should be avoided in the name of expanding the lifespan of your mattress. Some of these include:
- No kids jumping on the bed! This might go without saying, but it’s worth repeating. Beds were meant to be slept on, not used as a trampoline. When children jump on your bed, they’re putting undue stress on certain areas that could cause it to break down quicker than normal. Do yourself a favor and tell the kiddos to take the jumping out of your bedroom.
- Get pets their own bed. Who doesn’t love curling up with their dog at the end of a long day? Sure, cuddling with your fluffy friend might be comforting, but it could come with a price. It’s common for animals to carry parasites on their fur, which will inevitably make their way into your bed if you let them. To keep the creepy crawlers out of your bed, give your pup his own bed to enjoy on the floor.
- Avoid eating and drinking in bed. Breakfast in bed may sound like a romantic gesture on a Sunday morning, however, sipping mimosas could quickly turn into spilled mimosas if you’re not careful. Rather than trying to do damage control to clean accidental spills from your mattress, it’s best to avoid them altogether by keeping the food and drinks away from your bed.
Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Mattress
Why wait until you’re losing sleep or experiencing discomfort to think about replacing your old mattress? Very often, your mattress will tell you when it needs to be replaced. If you have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep, your mattress may be to blame. Likewise, if you wake up feeling tired or sore, it could be an indicator that your mattress isn’t providing the right amount of support in the appropriate places.
Other signs that it’s time to upgrade your mattress include unpleasant odors, soiled areas, tears, lumps, or sagging. One reliable indicator that it’s time to replace your mattress is a good old-fashioned calendar. If you’ve been sleeping on the same mattress for over 7 years, it’s time to start shopping!
Get Better Sleep with a New Mattress from Star Furniture
Even though it’s swaddled in sheets, blankets and pillows, your mattress is one of your most important home furnishings investments. After all, responsible for providing comfort, helping you sleep well, and waking up feeling refreshed. Unfortunately, many people don’t prioritize investing in a quality mattress or replacing their mattress when they need to. You deserve to sleep well and the right mattress can make that happen!
At Star Furniture, we’re eager to help you improve your quality of life with a comfortable, supportive mattress. If you’re tired of struggling to get a good night’s sleep or you can’t remember the last time you bought a new mattress, don’t put off prioritizing your sleep any longer. Now’s the time to find the bed that you’ll look forward to crawling into at the end of the day and wake up feeling your best.
We’re proud to offer an extensive selection of mattresses, mattress protectors, and bedroom furniture to meet your specific comfort and home decor needs. Check out our social media sites today then come into our showroom to feel our mattresses for yourself. Our trusted Star Furniture design team can assist you every step of the way. Once you bring your ideal mattress home, you’ll wish you had done it sooner!
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